Uniform Shop

Students at Rose Park Primary School are required to wear uniform consisting of school logo t-shirts, polo shirts and windcheaters worn with navy shorts, skorts or long pants. Girls also have the option of a summer school uniform dress.

Brandmode supplies school uniforms, and has a store located at 83 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood.
Uniform orders can also be made online, and can be delivered to school at no charge to families (delivery in 1st week of each month) or to home address if requested (delivery charges will apply).

Second hand uniforms are also available each term at our Parents and Friends Committee fundraiser stalls.

For most of the year all children are required to wear a sun hat when participating in outdoor activities and playing outside during recess and lunch breaks. Our school bucket hats are reversible with sports team colours on one side. If you’re not sure which team your child is in please contact the school. Students must also wear shoes which are suitable and safe for active play at school.

Address: 83 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood
Phone: 08 8357 0022

Opening Hours:  
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 12:30pm
Sundays & Public Holidays Closed

Please book online for fitting appointments. Opening hours may vary during school holidays – see brandmode.com.au for details.