Specialist Learning Areas

Rose Park Primary School prides itself on offering a wide array of specialist learning programs that cater to the diverse interests and talents of our students. Our comprehensive curriculum includes subjects such as Art, Physical Education, Music, and Languages. Led by passionate and skilled specialist teachers, these programs provide students with enriching experiences that foster creativity, physical fitness, linguistic skills, and cultural understanding. Through these dynamic and engaging learning opportunities, we strive to cultivate well-rounded, confident, and inquisitive learners ready to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Physical Education

At Rose Park Primary School students participate in one 50 minute Physical Education lesson per week, taught by a specialist Physical Education teacher. These lessons focus on fundamental movement skills, movement concepts and strategies, game sense, spatial awareness and teamwork. Classroom teachers also create opportunities for fitness sessions with their students.

During the year, Rose Park students in years 3 – 6 participate in a Swimming Carnival in Term 1, and students in Reception to Year 6 participate in a Sports Day in Term 4. The Jump Rope for Heart Program is run every second year and all students have access to government grants enabling them to participate in sports clinics, such as hockey, tennis, touch football and volleyball.

Students turning 10 years and older are eligible to nominate for SAPSASA cross country, swimming and athletics programs, while year 6 students participate in a variety of knock-out sports during the year.

Anna Nichol, Physical Education Teacher


Japanese is taught from Reception to Year 6 at Rose Park Primary School. Cultural aspects as well as written, oral and visual language are all a part of the Japanese curriculum. Students receive a minimum of 50 minutes of Japanese language instruction per week. The Japanese program works with the IB PYP by co-planning and supporting units of inquiry, and working on stand-alone units using the inquiry model. The Japanese program at Rose Park is well resourced and well supported by the school community.

Niki Peak, Japanese Teacher


Science is taught from Reception to Year 6 at Rose Park Primary School. Each student attends a 50 minute lesson per week focusing on the three strands of Science; Science Understanding, Science Inquiry Skills, and Science as a Human Endeavour. Science Understanding is split into a further 4 branches of Science; Biological, Chemical, Physical and Earth and Space. Students engage in an inquiry-based learning program in order to develop as a scientist. This enables them the opportunity to develop their skills in questioning, predicting, planning, conducting, processing and analysing data, evaluating and communicating. Students also reflect on the use and influence of science, and its nature and development as part of their units. 

During the year, students are able to participate in the Oliphant Science Awards. The Awards allow children to develop their interest in science, by competing in wide range of categories including photography, science writing, posters, crystal investigation, games, computer programming, multimedia, scientific inquiry and models and inventions. The Oliphant Science Awards provide students with an opportunity to expand their scientific literacy, by showing interest and understanding in the world around them and engaging in discussions about science. 

Leah Rippin, Reception – Year 2 Science Teacher & Abby Stevens, Year 3 – Year 6 Science Teacher

Performing Arts

Rose Park community values learning in the Arts and offers a specialist Arts program.
This program includes specialist Performing Arts classroom tuition by a specialist teacher, provision of instrumental tuition, ensemble and wide ranging performance opportunities.

The Australian curriculum embraces the concept of making and responding in the Arts through developing knowledge and skills in music, drama, dance, and visual and media arts.
This curriculum examines the contexts and knowledge relating to the Arts, and promotes the ability for students to make critical evaluations of their experiences. In addition, the Arts support the IB PYP by co-planning, supporting units of inquiry, and working on stand-alone skill-based units using the inquiry model. The Arts program content reflects the Central Idea and is appropriate to contemporary children. This model extends their Arts skills, broadens horizons and allows a framework in which students can create and explore their personal view of themselves and their world.

Julia Mayer, Performing Arts Teacher


With the exposure to technology becoming more and more prevalent in our children’s lives, we as educators have an obligation to ensure they are able to enjoy the benefits this brings, and whilst not ignoring the potential associated negatives, with correct management (at both school and home) these can be minimised. Benefits such as improved student engagement, enhanced individual learning (speed and style of learning), greater collaboration, enhancing student agency, and developing essential skills for the ever changing workplace.

The classroom of the 21st Century blends onsite and online learning, and with the use of Google Suite for Education and Chrome books, our students will enjoy a wide range of resources available to them. Students will be able to store their work safely and securely (through managed school settings), collaborate with their peers and teachers anywhere, anytime, and have access to a range of Google Apps (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Presentation tools). By working together, the students will be able to enjoy the benefits the devices will bring, while safely navigating the pitfalls of greater access to technology.

Sarah Howard, Technologies Teacher

Instrumental Music Teaching

Rose Park Primary School facilitates onsite instrumental music tuition through the Department for Education Instrumental Music (IM) program, and through private providers outside of school hours.
Instrumental Music (IM) offers tuition in strings from Year 3, and woodwind and brass from Year 4, to students in a small group format. These are held weekly for thirty minutes. Tuition costs are supported by the Department, with a fee charged to parents for instrumental hire.
The school also facilitates the provision of private tuition by offering space to Learning Through Music tutors outside of school hours. Costs for these lessons are arranged between parents and providers.

Aaron Lipp, Linda Nakov & Peter Young, Instrumental Music Teachers