The children are an essential part of our programming and planning, and activities are developed based on the wants, needs and current interests of the children. The OSHC program will include a range of indoor/outdoor experiences, quiet/active experiences, and structured/unstructured experiences. The program will also give children opportunities that foster and enhance:
- friendships
- individual/educator interactions
- co-operative and responsible behaviours
- individual/group experiences
Meal times will be treated as social occasions. Staff members will sit with the children and interact with them to encourage good eating habits and an appreciation of a variety of foods and drinks. Where possible, snacks and drinks will reflect a wide variety of cultures, especially the cultural backgrounds of families and within the local community. The service provides a healthy breakfast and afternoon tea every day consistent with the Governments “Food for Health: Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents”.
We promote ‘having a go’ at different activities and sports, as well as encouraging the older students to take on leadership roles to assist in organising games for the younger groups if they are interested.
Children will be given the opportunity to complete their ‘Home Learning’ with the support of an Educator, and are supported to attend extra-curricular activities.