Principal’s Welcome

At Rose Park Primary School, we develop creative, courageous, confident, global learners and leaders.

Rose Park Primary School is an International Baccalaureate (IB) Reception to Year 6 school with a record of academic excellence in Primary Years IB and the Australian Curriculum. We offer a progressive, internationally focussed curriculum supported by family and community values. Our IB Learner Profile embodies our school values of being Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Courageous, Balanced, and Reflective.

Rose Park Primary School is a high performing public primary school with a rich history. Our diverse school community embraces inclusion, unity and a sense of pride for our collaborative achievements. Students are supported to achieve their personal best in their academic, social, emotional and physical pursuits. We endeavour to connect our learners’ interests, questioning skills and learner dispositions with relevant real-world problem-solving experiences using a balance of explicit and inquiry-based teaching and learning.

Our staff are highly dedicated and work closely in teams to teach quality learning programs for our students. Our students are friendly, cooperative and empowered learners who embrace challenge in their learning, and are authentically involved in school and external interests through extra-curricular activities in Music, Sport, Debating, Chess and a range of competitions.

We are passionate about building teacher and leadership capacity, through research-based professional learning and a commitment to professional learning communities. Our Leadership team and our caring and committed teachers and staff work together with our students, parents and families to build a learning culture of agency and collaboration by encouraging respectful communication, high expectations and positive partnerships between school and home.

We invite you to join us for a school tour with our Student Ambassadors to share what our dynamic school has to offer. For more information, please take a look at our Parent Handbook and organise a time to meet with me for a guided tour and to personally discuss your child’s aspirations and passions.

To register your interest for a school place please submit a Registration of Interest form, found on the Enrolment page.

Dr Dora Iuliano

(DEd, MEd, BEd, Dip T)
