Students at Rose Park Primary School have access to specialist learning areas, support spaces, and modern play equipment.
Our Science, Japanese, Performing Arts, Technologies, and Physical Education staff have dedicated teaching spaces across the school. Classroom teachers book regular library sessions for students to access resources and use the iCentre computer lab. Students access extra support in literacy and languages with our MultiLit intervention program, EALD (English as Another Language or Dialect), and with opportunities to learn FLMD (First Language Maintenance and Development) languages – Mandarin and Vietnamese.
Rose Park has strong links with community, and hires facilities to a number of groups outside of school hours, from language schools to sports organisations. Additionally, we have a Covered Outdoor Learning Area (COLA) that is utilised for outdoor learning, physical education sessions, and sports games such as netball, basketball and soccer and ball sports, providing a versatile space for various activities and enhancing our students’ learning experiences. areas for. Our grassed area, ‘The Block’ provides play space and caters for whole school activities such as Sports Day and Early Years Co-ordination activities.