After School Sports

After School Sports

Rose Park Primary School is proud to offer its students access to a quality After School Sports Program. The school encourages a healthy and active lifestyle and sport is a unique way of contributing to this.

We value the opportunity for ALL students to participate in After School Sport, regardless of ability. After School Sport provides an opportunity to develop physical, social and leadership skills, as well as build friendships, teamwork, patience, self-confidence and discipline.

Summer season registrations open in Week 1 of Term 3 each year, and Winter season registrations open in Week 1 of Term 1.

For more information please see the After School Sports Policy and Procedures or email Grace Henderson (After School Sports Coordinator) at


Basketball is held year round with summer basketball played during terms 4 and 1 (for Years 2-5) and winter basketball played during terms 2 and 3 (for Years 2-6).

The school enters teams in the Unley Life Be In It competition with games played at Unley High School (22 Kitchener Street, Netherby).

Click here for the Life Be In It website.

Year 2/3’s play on Tuesday afternoons after school, Year 4/5’s play on Thursday afternoons after school and Year 6’s play on Wednesday afternoons after school. Games are played at various times between 4pm and 6pm and last 40 minutes. Teams will remain the same for the season, however, the school will try and accommodate new players if spots allow.

Stadium games are cancelled if the forecast is 36 degrees on BOM at 5:20am. Over flow venues games are cancelled if the forecast is 34 degrees on BOM at 5:20am

Uniform: Numbered RPPS basketball singlet is supplied and is required to be returned as soon as practical after the last game of the season, prior to the end of term (parents invoiced for unreturned shirts). Blue sport shorts & sneakers.


The school enters and participates in the Kensington Primary School Cricket Competition

Cricket season begins in Term 4, and continues in Term 1 the following year.

Year 2 & 3 Master Blaster Cricket: A fast and simple introduction to the game for both boys and girls, with a high emphasis on participation and enjoyment. Games are dual pitch (players always in the action) and are played at Kensington Gardens Reserve (off The Parade) or Payneham Oval on Saturday mornings. If a combined Year 2/3 team is formed, the timeslot will depend on the ability of the team to ensure they are in the best competition for the players’ development. Games last approximately 1 hour.

Year 4 & 5 Junior Cricket: Children play modified games (20 overs per side, bat in pairs, softer ball, and shorter pitch) with the emphasis on participation, skill development and learning the game. Games are played at various primary schools in the local area.

Year 5 & 6 Senior Cricket: Students play 25 over games, with 142g balls. Games are typically three hours, played at primary schools in the local area.

Players who show advanced ability in the competition they are playing in can be promoted to a higher level to extend their skills.

Uniform: All players are to wear a white RPPS cricket t-shirt (available from the uniform shop) and white cricket pants.  An individual cricket ‘box’ protector is compulsory for all Years 4-6 players. A school cricket kit is supplied however Year 4-6 players are encouraged to bring their own cricket kits including a helmet to practices and games.



Netball is played year round with summer netball played during terms 4 and 1 (for Years 2-5) and winter netball played during terms 2 and 3 (for Years 2-5). The school enters teams in the Eastern Districts Netball Association (EDNA)

Click here for information including EDNA Code of Conduct, fixtures & venues.

EDNA applies their own age limits on players with players needing to turn 8 years old in the year after the summer competition starts (term 4) or 8 years old in the year the winter competition is played (terms 2 and 3) to be eligible to play- No exceptions.

The school enters teams in the Netta competition (Years 2/3), Primary competition (Years 4/5). During summer (terms 4 and 1), games are played on Friday nights. Times vary. If the forecast temperature on BOM at 8am is above 35 degrees, games will be abandoned.

During winter (terms 2 and 3), games are played on Saturday mornings throughout the day. Times vary. Games are not abandoned due to wet weather, although thunder and lightning will be monitored and games possibly suspended to ensure player safety. Games are played at Emery Road, Campbelltown, Lothian Avenue, Windsor Gardens or Phillis Street, Maylands.

Uniform: School dress supplied to be returned at the end of the season (parents invoiced for unreturned dresses). Socks must be visible and cover the ankle. Navy sport briefs. No jewellery. Navy tracksuit pants or leggings can be worn, but the dress must be worn over the top.  Boys can play up to the age of 12 with a modified uniform.


The school plays Years 2-6 soccer, during winter (Terms 2 & 3), in the Football SA Eastern Zone Primary Schools Soccer Association (Year 2’s must be turning 8 years of age in the current year- no exceptions). Games are played on Saturday mornings at East Torrens Primary School (Years 2 and 3), East Marden Primary School (Years 4 and 5) and Paradise Primary School (Years 5 & 6). Starting times vary between 8.30am and 11.30am. Games are not abandoned due to wet weather, although thunder and lightning will be monitored and play suspended to ensure player safety.

Uniform: Numbered RPPS soccer shirt is supplied which needs to be returned at the end of the season, prior to the end of Term 3 (parents invoiced for unreturned shirts). Blue sport shorts and blue and yellow socks (both available from the uniform shop). Shin guards are compulsory.


The school plays Year 2, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 AFL Football in the Sturt competition in terms 2 and 3. Games are modified and played on Saturday mornings at Waite Campus at either 8:30am, 9:30am or 10:30am. Games are not abandoned due to wet weather, although thunder and lightning will be monitored.

 Click here for competition information.

Uniform: Numbered RPPS Guernsey supplied which is to be returned at the end of the season and prior to the end of Term 3 (parents invoiced for unreturned guernseys). Blue sport shorts. Blue and yellow socks. Mouth guard and football boots required. Skins or similar are permitted to be worn under the sports shorts and gurnsey.